Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bellwork for 11/17 to 11/21


What might the following ideas symbolize in a story:
  • Winter? (death, lonely, depressed, a time for reflection)
  • Spring? (birth, rebirth, new growth)

HINT: Symbols represent concepts beyond the literal meaning.


Write the following sentence in DAILY ENTRIES, and correct using a colored pen/pencil/marker (only 1 mistake):

My science teacher has a pet rat. It's red eyes freak me out.

It's = it is (contraction)
Its = possessive 


A civil war is fought between citizens of the same country.

Besides the Civil War in the United States, what other instances (examples) of civil war can you name?

Use your phones/devices to help.


Write the following sentence in DAILY ENTRIES, and correct using a colored pen/pencil/marker (only 1 mistake):

Ms. Arons' superb students read much more then the other classes.

Then = time, sequence of events
Than = comparison


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