English I Pre-AP Syllabus
Fall 2014/Spring 2015
Ms. Arons
E-mail: tina.arons@fwisd.org
Twitter: @MsArons
Course Overview:
English I students will develop skills in literacy through reading, writing, research, listening and speaking. As an honors course, students will engage in rigorous academic work in order to prepare students for honors or Advanced Placement coursework later in high school as well as the STAAR and PSAT assessments.
Students will be assessed mainly through individual and team projects demonstrating depth of knowledge. Eastern Hills High School will issue a binder for students to use in all their courses. This binder is a required and assessed part of my classroom.
According to the Texas Education Agency, students in this course will "read and understand a wide variety of literary and informational texts" and "compose a variety of written texts with a clear controlling idea, coherent organization, and sufficient detail."
Students will be expected to read and complete work outside of class to prepare for instruction during class.
For additional information, updates and extra credit opportunities, please stay connected through my class blog: http://aronsclassblog.blogspot.com/
Grading Policy:
Projects: 40%
Tests/Quizzes: 30%
Daily: 30%
Make-Up Work Policy:
Students will be allowed to make up any missing work within the six week grading period at times to be determined by the teacher. It is the students’ responsibility to get make-up work outside of class time.
Conference Time:
Tutorials are available per request and appointment. Regular tutoring times are posted outside the classroom door. Parent conferences should be scheduled during 6th period or before/after school.
Late Work Policy:
Late work will be accepted given its completion in the six week grading period. However, points will be deducted.
Spiral notebook -- hole punched so it will fit in the binder
Binder (provided by EHHS)
Notebook paper
Pen (blue/black ink ONLY) or pencil
Pencil bag with holes punched so it will also fit in the binder
Classroom Rules:
1. Follow directions and respond politely to all staff and students.
2. Begin working on assignment upon entering the classroom.
3. Use appropriate language and a low level voice.
4. No food, drink or candy. Students may only have water in a container with a lid.
Classroom Policies:
1. Cell phones and electronic devices are allowed for ACADEMIC purposes only; otherwise, they will be confiscated and --- upon repeated offense --- turned into the office for retrieval limited to parents or guardians.
2. Dress code will be enforced. Come to class with appropriate clothing for school per district policy.
3. Students will have two restroom passes per six weeks. It is the students’ responsibility to keep up with their passes.
Consequences for not meeting expectations:
1. Warning/redirect behavior
2. Conference with student and/or parent
3. Referral to assistant principal
4. Schedule a parent conference