Thursday, January 8, 2015

Technology Survey Results

Out of the 40+ surveys that were turned into today, the results are...

Almost all the students who responded to the survey will be getting a laptop through the school laptop loan program! And most of them also have smart phones that access the internet.

I'm hoping this means a high percentage of the students who haven't responded to the survey also plan to get a laptop.

Here are some ideas that my students offered:

Project Ideas
·         Presentations
·         Posters
·         Videos
·         Reading articles online
·         Group projects
·         Surveys
·         Blogs

·         Calendar
·         Khan Academy
·         My Big Campus
·         Flipogram
·         Email
·         More stuff/info posted for classes
·         Auto reader
·         Typing an essay
·         Google drive
·         Class dojo
·         Music

Monday, January 5, 2015

Articles of the Week for the 3rd Six Weeks

Articles of the Week --- you know, the homework assignment I give you each Monday that is due by Friday.

REMINDER: Be sure to give me your opinion, NOT a summary. And don't forget to annotate the article (mark up the text to show close reading) with things like questions, comments or other notes you'd like to make during reading. Late hw assignments are docked 10 pts. 


Eating too much sugar (this week's article, due Jan 9th)

CIA torture report

Crisis in Ferguson

Football concussions

Rise of the machines